Bonjour Tout le monde!
it's time to learn wittle bit-o french!
here are some basic phrases that would be very useful, if you want to be polite, or a snob. hehe.
"Do you speak English?"
"Parlez-vous anglais?"
(par-lay voo zon-glay)
"Excuse me/sorry"
(ex-koo-zay mwah)
"S'il vous plaît"
(seel voo play)
"You get on my nerves"
"Tu me peles le jonc"
(tu me pel - e le zhonc)
"Do it yourself."
"Faites-le vous-même"
(fay - teh le voo mehm)
"Stop bothering me!"
"Parle à mon cul, ma tête est malade"
(parl a mon cul, ma teht eh ma - lahd)
"I'd help you, but I don't like you."
"Je vous aurais bien aide, mais je ne vous aime pas."
(zhe voo zaw - ray bien ai - de may zhe ne voo zaim - e pah)
Hope you learned something new today!
(if you want to know how to CURSE, PM moi!)
1 comment:
I love it!!!!!
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