Sunday, May 16, 2010

FOOD of the French


Here's a liste of famouse french foode. that will all know noh? but NONg! it iz ze frensh wo giv to us. yah?

Famous French Food:

Baguette - This is a variety of bread with a crispy crust. Baguettes form to be a major feature of French breakfast.

Blanquette de veau - This is a famous French veal dish. This contains veal meat combined with aromatic vegetables.

Chocolate Mousse - The chocolate mousse although commonly available all over the world is actually a famous French food item. This is a very delicious dessert made from egg and cream.

Madeleine- The madeleine is a traditional cake of France. These are very small shaped cakes which have a shell like appearance.

Éclair - The Éclair is a long and thin shaped delicious pastry with a cream filling and loads of icing.

Choucroute garnie - The chocolate garnie consists of sausages and salted meats often combined with potatoes.

Crêpe- This is a pancake that is made from wheat flour.

Bouillabaisse- The Bouillabaisse is a traditional fish stew that is prepared with different kinds of cooked fish. A variety of herbs and spices are used to add flavor to the same.

Gougère- This is a pastry that is made along with cheese. In the English language, these are known as cheese puffs.

Cassoulet- This famous French food originated in the southwest area of France. Its main ingredients are meat combined with pork skin and white beans.

Ratatouille- This is a traditional vegetable dish. The complete name remains to be ratatouille niçoise and it consists of stewed vegetables. Ratatouille is generally served as a side dish but it can be served as a complete dish in its own as well. This dish is generally prepared in the summer season with the help of fresh vegetables.

Quiche Lorraine- A quiche simply means a baked dish that consists of a combination of eggs and milk in a pastry crust. This kind of an egg pie is prepared with other ingredients as well.

Tarte flambée- This dish is a speciality of the Alsatian region in France. It is made of thin bread dough which is topped with onions, bacons and some amount of fresh cream.

anyway, i got tired of searching for new images. lol. so, just check em out.
the general description is here anyway.


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