Tuesday, March 16, 2010

[ITALY] Etiquette and Customs

Meeting Etiquette

. Greetings are enthusiastic yet rather formal.
. The usual handshake with direct eye contact and a smile suffices between strangers.
. Once a relationship develops, air-kissing on both cheeks, starting with the left is often added as well as a pat on the back between men.
. Wait until invited to move to a first name basis.
. Italians are guided by first impressions, so it is important that you demonstrate propriety and respect when greeting people, especially when meeting them for the first time.
. Many Italians use calling cards in social situations. These are slightly larger than traditional business cards and include the person's name, address, title or academic honours, and their telephone number.
. If you are staying in Italy for an extended period of time, it is a good idea to have calling cards made. Never give your business card in lieu of a calling card in a social situation.

Gift Giving Etiquette

. Do not give chrysanthemums as they are used at funerals.
. Do not give red flowers as they indicate secrecy.
. Do not give yellow flowers as they indicate jealousy
. If you bring wine, make sure it is a good vintage. Quality, rather than quantity, is important.
. Do not wrap gifts in black, as is traditionally a mourning colour.
. Do not wrap gifts in purple, as it is a symbol of bad luck.
. Gifts are usually opened when received.

Dining Etiquette

If invited to an Italian house:
. If an invitation says the dress is informal, wear stylish clothes that are still rather formal, i.e., jacket and tie for men and an elegant dress for women.
. Punctuality is not mandatory. You may arrive between 15 minutes late if invited to dinner and up to 30 minutes late if invited to a party.
. If you are invited to a meal, bring gift-wrapped such as wine or chocolates.
. If you are invited for dinner and want to send flowers, have them delivered that day.

Table manners

. Remain standing until invited to sit down. You may be shown to a particular seat.
. Table manners are Continental -- the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating.
. Follow the lead of the hostess - she sits at the table first, starts eating first, and is the first to get up at the end of the meal.
. The host gives the first toast.
. An honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal.
. Women may offer a toast.
. Always take a small amount at first so you can be cajoled into accepting a second helping.
. Do not keep your hands in your lap during the meal; however, do not rest your elbows on the table either.
. It is acceptable to leave a small amount of food on your plate.
. Pick up cheese with your knife rather than your fingers.
. If you do not want more wine, leave your wineglass nearly full.

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